In the sentence below, we can't have a car changing its own oil. Which of the following sentences contains a dangling modifier? 1. Check Hint Show answer. 1. 2. A dangling modifier occurs when the intended subject of the modifier is missing from the sentence, and instead another subject appears in its place. B. Incorrect: By providing students the opportunity to interact with each other … Hence you can not start it again. When defrosted, marinate meat for half an hour, and then you are ready to grill. This lesson explains how to locate and correct misplaced and dangling modifiers in your writing. About This Quiz & Worksheet. Grammar Quiz: Modifiers Some of the sentences contain a misplaced or dangling modifier. A man in a ski mask robbed the bank with a gun. NOT “Posing In Sandunes”, for several reasons. A modifier is a word, phrase or clause that modifies (or describes) another word, and this quiz/worksheet combo will help you test your understanding of them. Yes! Take a swing, but beware! Dangling modifiers often include … This often happens with beginning participial phrases, making "dangling participles" an all too common phenomenon. The Key West example is what’s called a dangling modifier. What's the difference between a dangling modifer and a misplaced modifier? If you would like to review the use of Modifiers before taking this quiz (or at any time during it), click HERE. A misplaced modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that, because of its incorrect position within a … Having learned French in just three months, Paul was as happy as he could be. You must first complete the following: Results […] Ive used examples from published grammarians, plus instances from newspapers and classic film. I believe that the writer is from some island off the coast of Africa. The most common type of misplaced modifier question on the ACT English test involves a modifying phrase. 1. A dangling modifier is a word or phrase (often a participle or participial phrase) that doesn't actually modify the word it's intended to modify. This is an example of a dangling modifier. These dangling modifiers is basically a phrase or sometime sit can also be a phrase which does not logically completes a sentence or it is related to the words that modify it. on March 30, 2018 4:13 pm. When a sentence begins with an introductory clause that describes (modifies) but does not name the subject, the subject must come immediately after that clause. You must first complete the following: Results […] Another example is a comma rule that is confused by many, even by professionals and writers. Each of the following sentences includes a modifying phrase that confuses because it the statement is erroneously constructed or because the phrase is incorrectly located in the sentence. Start studying Grammar: Dangling Modifiers. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. Save. DANGLING MODIFIER CORRECT 4. This sentence reads as if the tree stump was running recklessly through the forest, not James. 0. A. DANGLING MODIFIER CORRECT 3. Working all weekend, Jamal nearly earned five hundred dollars. Which of the following sentences contains a dangling modifier? Show all questions <= => Working on my computer, the power went out, and I lost all of my work. Quiz is loading… You must sign in or sign up to start the quiz. This quiz was made for you to be able to test your knowledge about dangling modifiers. Though only in Grade 3, the school librarian realized that Kristen could read as well as many junior high students. Test how well you know rules like this with this tricky high school grammar quiz . This combination of quiz and worksheet will help gauge what you know about dangling modifiers and how to use context to fix them. Dangling vs. Misplaced Modifiers DRAFT. Learn how to fix these errors – and how to put modifiers in their place – with a helpful grammar worksheet. When a modifier improperly modifies something, it is called a "dangling modifier." Dangling participle definition: A dangling modifier is a type of misplaced modifier that modifies a word or phrase that is not clearly stated in a sentence.Dangling modifiers are also called dangling participles.. What is a Dangling Modifier? - [Voiceover] So if you're doing editing, or you're looking at a sentence, when you take a look at a sentence, see if you can spot what it is that that modifier is supposed to be describing. Sentence Structure Dangling Modifiers Dangling Modifiers: Quiz 2 Time limit: 0 Quiz Summary 0 of 10 questions completed Questions: Information You have already completed the quiz before. This quiz is timed. Quiz is loading… You must sign in or sign up to start the quiz. A dangling modifier is a type of misplaced modifier.A dangling modifier is misplaced because it does not have anything to modify. Then decide whether or not it contains a misplaced or dangling modifier. $1Remeber that : $1You need to make sure that the noun is placed in such a way that the sentence directly says what you are trying to get across. Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers Quiz. This sentence has a misplaced or dangling modifier! Preview this quiz on Quizizz. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Dangling Modifier Quiz: Select the best response. A copy of my note of today to some uneducated foreigner who wrote about photos of a model posing among some sand dunes. 18 … Edit. "Running recklessly through the forest, the tree stump tripped James." Hence you can not start it again. 0 times. In the following sentences, identify and correct the misplaced and dangling modifiers. When a sentence opens with such a modifier, readers expect the following clause to name the actor. C. After eating the catfood, Bowie belched. Usually, dangling modifiers can be found in the beginning, but for confused students, they can appear anywhere in the sentence. Select the sentence that uses the modifier correctly. Emma Sue was delighted when Mr. Nguyen returned her perfect calculus test with an ear-to-ear grin. Dangling participles and other misplaced modifiers will challenge you here! 3 Responses to “Grammar Quiz #24: Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers” D.A.W. Start studying Dangling Modifiers 2. Take this quiz! CORRECT DANGLING MODIFIER 5. 18 minutes ago. A. Become a part of our community of millions and ask any question that you do not find in our Dangling Modifier Q&A library. Grammar Quiz #10: Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers By Mark Nichol. ("As I was born in Dawlish" is not a modifier.) DANGLING MODIFIER 2. Dangling Modifiers Quiz. A misplaced modifier happens to modify something that you did not intend to modify, often--or hopefully--with humorous consequences. Dangling modifiers occur when the subject in the introductory phrase is not stated. B. It is also called a dangling participle, hanging modifier, floater, floating modifier, or misrelated participle. Edit. Published on January 17, 2020 by Amy Luo. Quizzes: Dangling Modifiers The following questions test your ability to recognize and correct dangling modifiers. You have 0 out of 7 answers correct.. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. bcollins_51724. Take the Quiz: Swing from a Dangling Participle. We got rid of the dangling modifier, it's not you know, hanging out, looking like it's modifying the wrong noun. Opening a can of tuna, my finger got cut. The total time allowed for this quiz is 30 minutes. One thing to remember here is to use it when making a pause. 3. Having learned Spanish in just three months, the stay in Mexico was a success. Misplaced modifier vs. dangling modifier To raise a good dog, patience is useful. Dangling vs. Misplaced Modifiers DRAFT. Select the misplaced or dangling modifier.In 1919, E. W. Bullard invented the first hard hat used for safety on construction sites made of steamed canvas, glue, and black paint. Unlike many other students, Jim didn't have any problems with his teachers. Moving slowly, Bowie stalked the rabbits. To raise a good dog, patience is useful. Moving slowly, Bowie stalked the rabbits. A dangling modifier is a phrase or clause that is not clearly and logically related to the word or words it modifies or describes. A modifier describes or qualifies another part of a sentence. What is a rule for dangling modifiers? 0% average accuracy. Rewrite sentences that contain dangling modifiers. Dangling modifiers are usually introductory word groups (such as verbal phrases) that suggest but do not name an actor. 7th - 8th grade. Definition of a dangling modifier: “A dangling modifier fails to refer logically to any word in the sentence. Sentence Structure Dangling Modifiers Dangling Modifiers: Quiz 1 Time limit: 0 Quiz Summary 0 of 10 questions completed Questions: Information You have already completed the quiz before. Often, they can be found at the beginning of sentences, but they are found at the end of sentences too. As modifiers, participles are often misused, and are thus called dangling or misplaced modifiers. In some cases, a dangling modifier refers to a word that doesn't even appear in the sentence. Confusion: Changing the oil every 3,000 miles, the car seemed to run better. Which sentence contains a misplaced modifier? You might want to consult the rules before you make your choice! FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY L1AY1- QUIZ Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers I-Encircle the correct answer. Browse from thousands of Dangling Modifier questions and answers (Q&A). Quiz Results Are the modifiers in these sentences correct or dangling? Dangling modifiers and how to fix them. English. Revised on April 24, 2020. U.S. Standard Written English applies.