10)When David started speaking everyone fell about in laughter/laughing. (The more formal a conversation or text, the less phrasal verbs are found.) 8) Mary's new novel doesn't come up to her usual expectation/standard. Some phrasal verbs can be separated by the object, while others cannot. When I was (3) ________, I still had a romantic vision of marching quickly to victory and being home in time for tea. By admin | December 31, 2019 0 Comment. View phrasal-verbs-telephone-reading-comprehension-exercises_129299.docx from BSB 5191 at Lonsdale Institute. (cause trouble to happen to oneself) You have brought this on/upon yourself. Excuse me, could I ………………………………….…. The word or words that modify a verb in this manner can also go under the name particle. Get up to (do something - usually bad when about children - colloquial) The children are getting up to something in the garden. Verbs with prepositions exercises online. get up (d) Did anybody . 2) The conversation/meeting didn't break up until late. g) The best solution was thought of by Sally. Note that there may be other meanings for the verbs listed here. take care of. Phrasal Verbs Exercises. Follow up (act upon a suggestion) Thanks for the information about that book. Come up against (meet a difficulty) We've come up against a bit of a problem. got Karen …got off with…a warning. DISTINCT i) Nowadays numbers of people are taking up jogging. j) Carol has trouble communicating her ideas to others. ACCES h) Is it possible to …………….between a hobby and an interest? a) When I give an order I expect it to be … carried….out. Match each group of words and phrases to an appropriate phrasal verb and its meaning. When the war (1) C …out I must have been (2) ________18 years of age, and like most boys of my age, I received the news with a kind of naive enthusiasm, born out of youthful ignorance and inexperience. The Terrys were sitting calmly having afternoon tea in their lounge when the van (1) A…up outside. Phrasal verbs in context Exercise 1 Things we do every day These very common phrasal verbs are used to describe the type of actions that we do every day. my dog while I’m away? she was very sad because of her father……………………………………………… last week. Attempt the following exercises then compare your answers with the correct answers given below. It has a different meaning than the original verb. Bring off (succeed in doing something) The team tried for years to win the competition and they finally brought it off. I got……………………………………………. 4 Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals. Get on (make progress - especially in life) Sue is getting on very well in her new job. I have to ---- my notes once again to make sure I have learned all important details before the exam. Note that there may be other meanings for the verbs listed The combination gives a special meaning. be against, be away, be back, be for, be in, be in for, be over, be out, be up. As a back-up, a gap-fill exercise follows where students have to use phrasal verbs to fill the spaces. Read the explanation to learn more. Phrasal Verbs Exercise 1 Choose the correct phrasal verb: go on / pick up / come back / come up with / go back / find out / come out / go out / point out / grow up / set up / turn out / get out / come in(to) / take on. 5) The witness's evidence bore out what Peter had said/as Peter said. Let’s take an exercise of phrasal verbs for its better understanding. Do away with (abolish - colloquial) Dog licences have been done away with. Crop up (happen unexpectedly - colloquial) I can't come to your party, something has cropped up. do again (b) Can you . Try this exercise to test your grammar. A. 3 Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space. fallen Brenda has ………………… ………………… her next-door neighbour. While a student is not required to learn all of them, they must at least be familiar with the most common phrasal verbs. Complete the sentences with appropriate phrasal verbs. Don´t forget to …………………………….……. Design by 123DOC, Advanced Phrasal Verbs Practice for: Gifted Students (major in English) Further Practice on Phrasal Verbs Daily UsesThis course focuses on multiple meaning, and other meanings of known phrasal verbs. EXCEPT f) Our club has just purchased new sports . This kind of race doesn't normally (2) appeal to me/amuse me, as, frankly, I'm not really (3) cut out for/right for long distance running. Is Mr. Knight in? We also try to provide helpful strategies and articles to help homework challenges for struggling students, along with assignments tips to help with each challenge. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. borne Jack's prediction ………………… ………………… by subsequent events. Come about (happen) Let me explain how the situation came about. Come off (take place successfully) I'm afraid that deal didn't come off after all. Verbs Exercise Doc. in the middle of the night, I had some temperature. Bài tập về cụm động từ trong Tiếng Anh (PHRASAL VERBS) 120 KB 18/05/2015 4:10:00 CH Bạn có thể tải về tập tin thích hợp cho bạn tại các liên kết dưới dây. Don’t smoke in the forest. 1 – 10 . Put them in the correct tense. Fall back on (use as a last resort) If the worst comes to the worst, we've got our savings to fall back on. Get across (be understood - especially get an idea across) I had the feeling 1 wasn't getting the meaning across. Định dạng .Doc 10/01/2018 10:57:51 CH a post office, can you buy some stamps? Get round to (find time to do - also around) Sorry, but I haven't got round to fixing the tap yet. (Discover), Where can I………………………….. the sweater? Face up to (have courage to deal with - especially responsibilities) You have to face up to your responsibilities. Answers … Ask after (inquire about) Jim was asking after you. Choose the appropriate preposition to fill in the gap. INCREASE Leisure habits won't change much in the …… future. I always keep it with me. SEE 9 . 1) A reason B motive C cause D purpose 2) A factors B aspects C elements D items 3) A fact B departure C view D return 4) A make B have C undergo D take 5) A rates B layers C ratios D levels 6) A hold up B wind down C draw back D peter out 7) A scene B location C sight D place 8) A bloom B prosper C thrive D flourish 2 Choose two items from the box which are used in each activity (a-h) rod flippers goggles horse helmet lens hammer rucksack armbands bait mask tripod pump compass spanner bars a) Gymnastics __________horse_____ _____bars______ b) Scuba Diving ___________________ ___________________ c) Fishing ___________________ ___________________ d) Walking ___________________ ___________________ e) Photography ___________________ ___________________ f) Do-It-Yourself ___________________ ___________________ g) Swimming ___________________ ___________________ h) Cycling ___________________ ___________________ 3 Both options make sense. When I ……………………….……. Grammar test 1. Although there are some 2 idem, p. 188, 189 7 individuals who (8) ………… on stress, for most of us, it can lead to exhaustion, mood swings and even severe depression. 4) It must be getting on for six o’clock/extremely well. Soon afterwards, an enormous man covered in tattoos appeared on the doorstep. In some cases more than one answer may be possible. below are typical of those which can be used in combination with phrasal verbs with ‘take’. Call up (mobilise for military service) Mark was called up when the war broke out. Advanced Phrasal Verbs Practice for: Gifted Students (major in English) Further Practice on Phrasal Verbs Daily UsesThis course focuses on multiple meaning, and other meanings of known phrasal verbs. come across. COURSE 17 Phrasal Verbs 1 Explanations 1 This course focuses on multiple meaning, and other meanings of known phrasal. exhaustion. Get over with (come to the end of something, usually unpleasant) I'll be glad to get this awful business over with. I was actually, Bộ sưu tập, Thành viên, Đăng ký, Practice English Phrasal Verbs and Idioms, Some common phrasal verbs and sentence transformation exercises in teaching english at ba thuoc high school (supplementary practice for teaching part e unit14 15 english 12), Mcmillan Publishing Phrasal Verbs In Context Split, Timesaver- Phrasal Verbs Pre-Inter Advance, Check your vocabulary for phrasal verbs and idioms, Headway - Phrasal verbs and idioms - upper intermediate, Longman Phrasal verbs Dictionary_ Chương 2.6, Longman Phrasal verbs Dictionary_ Chương 2.4, FOCUS ON - eparable and nonseparable phrasal verbs, FOCUS ON - modals and present perfect passive phrasal verbs, FOCUS ON - participle adjectives formed from phrasal verbs, 2, 117 most common english idioms and phrasal verbs, 117 most common english idioms and phrasal verbs pdf, 117 most common english idioms and phrasal verbs download, khảo sát chương trình đào tạo của các đơn vị đào tạo tại nhật bản, xác định thời lượng học về mặt lí thuyết và thực tế, điều tra đối với đối tượng giảng viên và đối tượng quản lí, khảo sát các chương trình đào tạo theo những bộ giáo trình tiêu biểu, các đặc tính của động cơ điện không đồng bộ, chỉ tiêu chất lượng theo chất lượng phẩm chất sản phẩm khô từ gạo của bộ y tế năm 2008, đã có lần em cùng bố mẹ đi thăm mộ người thân trong ngày lễ tết, đặc điểm chung và vai trò của ngành ruột khoang, Quy định chính sách bán tài liệu, Hướng dẫn thanh toán. Break down (lose control of the emotions) David broke down and wept when he heard the news. Phrasal verbs are mainly used in spoken English and informal texts. i) What happened confirmed the truth of Jack's prediction. 1 A came B bore C broke D carried 2 ) A getting on for B falling back on C getting round to D feeling up to 3 ) A counted on B broken up C called up D asked after 4 ) A draw up B face up to C do away with D bring about 5 A call B break C get D carry 6 A come in for B come up C come down to D come up with 5 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Match the highlighted phrasal verbs with the best definition: (a) The gas heater . REMARK d) We go to the pub before lunch on Sunday. Bargain for (take into account) We hadn't bargained for there being so much traffic, and we missed the plane. Last week well over a thousand people (1) took place in/ took part in our local round-the-city 10- kilometre fun run. Complete with one of these phrasal verbs: look after, fill in, take off, stay out, and speak up. my mobile. How is your English coming....? Type the correct form of the verb into the box. g) Someone was after you in the club yesterday. Add up (make sense) His evidence just doesn't add up. John and David’s flight home from Amsterdam was at nine in the morning. and destroyed the house. Can you ________________________________________ (think of an idea) a better idea? Here we have prepared phrasal verbs exercises with answers for ESL students. TELEPHONE PHRASAL VERBS Answer Key Whenever I … (take more action) We'll follow up this lesson next week. Bear out (confirm the truth) Helen's alibi was borne out by her sister. h) Soon it will be time for lunch. h) I tried to get an early night, but just as I was off, the phone rang. The Top Phrasal Verbs Exercise A Match the phrasal verbs with their meanings (1 – 6 with A – F; 7 – 12 with G – l) and then translate them. The words 'Reliable Removals - you can (2) ________us' were printed on the side of the van in large blue capitals. Do not change the word given. Phrasal Verb Generator Worksheet 1 Answer Sheet Phrasal Verb Generator Worksheet 2 Answer Sheet f) I broke down and cried when I heard the news. Exercise 3 Travelling and transport These common phrasal verbs are connected with travelling and transport. If you don´t ………………………………., we can´t hear you. HAND c) Helen's solo crossing of the Pacific was a feat. Fall through (fail to come to completion) The plan fell through at the last minute. Загрузите более 20 000 рабочих листов K-5 Verbs Exercise Doc, чтения, дружественных занятий и многого другого. Anyway, we're here now, so let's (6) ________to some serious work.' Little did I realise just what I had (6) ________. Come down to (be in the end a matter of) It all comes down to whether you are prepared to accept less money. 9) Last night I dropped off at 11.30/from 11.30 until 7.00 this morning. I…………………………………………… seeing my friends again. 2) Understanding phrasal verbs therefore is very important but often it is difficult to understand the meaning of a phrasal verb from their individual components e.g. I just can not………………………………………. So now the charity of my choice is £150 the richer, and as for me I'm well and truly bitten by the running bug. Write sentence using phrasal verbs, Definition, Question and Answers for phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs printable exercises, phrasal verbs pdf, phrasal verbs quiz, He was sleeping soundly when the alarm clock …………………………. A friend of mine has……………………………………… her wedding. b) What sort of progress are you making in your new job? Site Search. The car ended up in a ditch. Account for To explain. (murder - colloquial) What if they do away with the old man? Phrasal verbs exercises - advanced level esl. Bring about (cause to happen) The crisis was brought about by Brenda's resignation. . I have an old picture of myself standing proudly in my new uniform – a young man about to (4) ________his responsibilities in life. all the lights when you leave. COURSE 17 Phrasal Verbs 1 Explanations 1 This course focuses on multiple meaning, and other meanings of known phrasal verbs. Somebody has to……………………………………. Phrasal verbs are very common in English, especially in more informal contexts. There are several phrasal verbs in English. Some phrasal verbs require a direct object (someone/something), while others do not. Phrasal Verbs Exercises with Answers Phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and a preposition or an adverb. The winner (12) surpassed/broke the course record. Here’s what you need…, 10 Educational Games for Students – Online Digital…, The 10 Best Essay Writing Services You Will…, Reason Why You Need to Acquire Microsoft AZ-103…, Install & Configure Remote Desktop Services on Server…, How to Fix Network Discovery Turn Off on…, Perform Bulk Active Directory Operations Using Dsadd On…, Paired Conjunctions: Both…and/Either…Or/Neither…Nor/Not Only…But Also, Direct and Indirect of Future Perfect Tense, Intermediate Grammar Structures in English. Draw up (come to a stop) A white sports car drew up outside the door. My photos didn't come out very well. Tim opened the door. Bring on (cause the onset of an illness) Sitting in the damp brought on his rheumatism. Get off with (avoid punishment) They were lucky to get off with such light sentences. End up (finish in a certain way, or place) We ended up staying there for lunch. Print This Page. Hint: For exercises, you can reveal the answers first ("Submit Worksheet") and print the page to have the exercise and the answers. We are late for the bus. 1) Jim completely fell for my joke/story. care grow look make put run set switch Complete with one of these phrasal verbs: go off, put off, see off, take off, turn off. Rectify your mistakes according to the correct responses. Xem thêm: Phrasal Verbs Practice 1, Phrasal Verbs Practice 1, Phrasal Verbs Practice 1, Copyright © 2020 123Doc. As an excuse for being late, she…………………………………………………. Draw up (organise - especially a document) The contract is being drawn up at the moment. Levels of Difficulty: Elementary Intermediate Advanced Learn ESL is an organization to help students learn English as a second language and assist them to enhance their writing skills. Let´s go to the airport to …………………………. Friend and colleagues agreed to (6) sponsor/support me, and pay for each mile I completed. Your website has helped me a lot to……………………………………. 3) It seems that we've come up against rather a tricky idea/problem. The dog came....us with teeth bared. blew up . Phrasal verbs with ‘take’ The words and phrases in . Presentation of phrasal verbs • This activity will provide a context for ten phrasal verbs with get which the students will use in later stages of the lesson. The kind of housework I hate most is …………………………. Come up to (equal - especially expectations, standard) The play didn't come up to expectations. Could you ……………………………….. my car for a moment, please? All downloads are in PDF Format and consist of a worksheet and answer sheet to check your results. Review the grammar lesson on phrasal verbs from time to time so that you don't forget the rules! Online Exercises and Downloadable Worksheets Fall about (show amusement - especially laughing - colloquial) Everyone fell about when Jane told her joke. Drop in (pay a visit - colloquial) Drop in any time you're passing. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). (Consult a dictionary), I want to……….………………………….. the form. Complete the text with the phrasal verbs below. Don´t …………………………….. You can do it if you try hard. Carry off (complete successfully - perhaps despite a problem) Jane had a difficult role to play, but she carried it off Carry out (complete a plan) The attack was successfully carried out. Passed away, do without, look forward to, called off, made up, carried away, break out, run out, put up with, and keep up. j) The police didn't up Bill's complaint about his neighbours. Write the verbs in the spaces provided, using the words in the box. Could you ………………………….. this application form, please? Complete the following sentences using appropriate phrasal verbs. Do up (decorate - colloquial) We are having our living room done up. Come up (occur - usually a problem - colloquial) Look, something has come up, and I can't meet you. What have you been getting up to lately? Back down (yield in an argument) Sheila was right, so Paul had to back down. I did try and phone, but I couldn't get (5) ________ . If you are suffering from high stress (5) ………… , or wish to (6) ………… after a trying day, it is generally advisable to have a change of (7) ………… . B. her jacket. 2 Count on (rely on) Don't worry, you can count on me. come up with. Choose your answers from the options given below. Complete Phrasal Verbs List Phrasal Verb Meaning Example Abide by Accept or follow a decision or rule. too late last night. 2. EQUIP g) Our city has some open spaces but they are not very ………………………. 1. The winner (12) surpassed/broke the course record. getting It's ………………… ………………… lunch time. I'll follow it up. phrasal verbs exercises. Drop off (fall asleep - colloquial) The baby has just dropped off. a) They didn't punish Karen, only gave her a warning. c) There were no taxis so in the end I had to walk home. with your tennis lessons? Get down to (begin to seriously deal with) It's time we got down to some real work. Come....! Underline the one which forms a common collocation. Use the phrasal verbs below in the blanks correctly. 3. Act on Break off (stop talking) He broke off to answer the phone. Fires……………………………………….. easily at this time of the year. Come up with (think of- especially an answer, a plan, a solution) We still haven't come up with a solution to the problem. Phrasal (Two-Word) Verbs. Two-word verbs are made of a verb and a preposition. Xem và Tải miễn phí Đề thi PHRASAL VERBS ~ BE & HOLD (Exercises & Keys) phrasal verbs be hold doc, download, tải miễn phí, pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt,pptx PHRASAL VREBS - BE Fill in the gaps using one of the following phrasal verbs. Apparently, the course was very fast, 8 and both of my friends ran a (11) personal best/personal record. (Take care of), She wants to……………………………… the truth? English exercises on grammar and vocabulary, with answers - verb tenses and forms, parts of speech, prepositions, phrasal-verbs and business-english, for EFL- ESL learners of all levels. (Take a seat), I will…………………………………………….the train now. f) Terry's new book out next week. them ………………. ……………………………………….……., I´ll call him. Phrasal Verbs. put up with. Come in for (receive - especially criticism, blame) The government has come in for a lot of criticism over the decision. PHRASAL VERBS COME I. They are made up of a verb and a particle or, sometimes, two particles. 2. getting How are ………………… ………………… in your new job? Through at the moment words 'Reliable Removals - you can ( 2 ) ________us ' were printed on the of... We ended up staying there for lunch correct word or phrase in each sentence to ACCOUNT all. Up until late of known phrasal verbs from time to time so that do! That reason and partly to ( 6 ) ________ over ( be understood - expectations! 'S solo crossing of the verb into the box into I ………………… ………………… much work '! Correct answers given below and answer sheet to check your results only gave a! Illness ) Sitting in the blanks correctly Exercises then compare your answers with the of,... Up ( mobilise for military service ) Mark was called up when the.. Exercise Doc, чтения, дружественных занятий и многого другого to fill the spaces provided, using the words the! Example Abide by Accept or follow a decision or rule to your party, has... 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